Educational Workshops
For Parents, Teachers and Caregivers

Muriel Wears Many Hats
Educator, Storyteller, Single Mother, Grandmother
Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.

Connecting With Our Children Through Storytelling
Sharing stories with our children not only increases early language development but it also enhances their ability to express themselves, tap into their imagination and to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Through this workshop, parents will gain confidence in their own storytelling abilities, learn fun techniques for telling and explore creative activities that help to inspire and connect more deeply with their little ones through the art of story sharing. This is an interactive workshop where we will get to hear a story, tell a tale and sing a song or two.

Navigating Preschool Blues
Parents and Early Childhood
Sending your child to preschool is an important and exciting milestone.
However, this special time can also be very stressful. Feelings of anxiety often arise for parents and their children.
During this workshop we will explore solutions and suggestions for parents and caregivers to help make the transition to preschool easier for everyone.
Both Caregivers and parents will walk away with some tips and tools to help deal with separation anxiety, adapting to a new routine, understanding expectations and other common challenges that come with the preschool experience.
During this workshop, both parents and caregivers will be encouraged to share so that we can learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives.

Surviving, Providing & Thriving Through Single Parenthood
Explore ways to navigate single parenthood, all while nurturing ourselves and supporting our children’s emotional well-being. In this workshop, we aim to find balance in the midst of constant demand, learn to be creative with financial resources, release our stress, and share. Whether you are male, female, non-binary, in a partnership, divorced, widowed, single, or married, you may feel the emotional, physical, and mental responsibility of parenting falls squarely on you! This workshop is interactive and non-judgmental, where participants are encouraged to share successes and challenges so we can learn from one another, be affirmed, and inspired.